बुधवार, 23 जनवरी 2008

Good Morning, India...............सुप्रभात !!

यह भी क्या, दोस्तो, सुबह सुबह उठ कर लग गए इस बलागिंग के चक्कर मे, किसी से राम-रहीम नहीं, दुया-सलाम नहीं.....यार, सारा दिन अपने पास पढ़ा है, थोड़ा ताज़ी ताज़ी सुबह का आनंद भी तो लें...........
जागती आंखों से भी देखो दुनिया को,
ख्वाबों का क्या है वो हर शब आते हैं।
पिछले लगभग 15वर्षों से ओशो-टाइम्स पढ़ता हूं ---पढ़ता क्या हूं....उस में लिखी बातें पढ़ कर इतना आनंद मिलता है कि अपनी स्लेट पर उस में से ही लिए कुछ वाक्य लिख रहा हूं.........
You be true to yourself. Never try to be anybody else. That is the only sin I call sin. Accept yourself! Whatever you are , you are beautiful. Existence accepts you; you also accept yourself.
Comparison : A great Disease.
We are all unique, so it is pointless to compare ourselves to others.
Comparison is a disease, one of the greatest diseases. And we are taught from the very beginning to compare, Your parents start comparing you with other children.
From the very beginning you are being told to compare yourself with others. This is the greatest disease; it is like a cancer that goes on destroying your very soul—because each individual is unique, and comparison is not possible.
I am just myself and you are just yourself. There is nobody else in the world you can be compared with.
Do you compare a marigold with a roseflower? Do you compare a mango with an apple? You don’t compare. You know they are different; comparison is not possible.
Man in not a species, because each man is unique. There has never been any individual like you before and there will never be again. You are utterly unique. This is your privilege, your prerogative, your unique-ness. Comparison will bring trouble.
If you fall victim to this disease of comparison, naturally you will either become very egoistic or you will become very bitter; it depends on whom you compare yourself with.
If you compare yourself with those who seem to be bigger than you, higher than you, greater than you, you will become bitter. You will become angry : “ why am I not greater than I am? Why am I not physically so beautiful, so strong? Why am I not so intelligent? Why am I not this, not that?” Your life will become poisoned by the comparison. You will remain always in a state of depression, as if existence has deceived you , betrayed you, as if you have been let down.
Or if you compare yourself with people who are smaller than you, in some way lesser than you, then you will become very egoistic…
Ok friends, good morning.
सुप्रभात........आज की यह नई सुबह आप की ज़िंदगी में बहारें ले आये।